
Reading #35 - from "Beyond Just Tryin' to Live" © Rhonda Hinkle Mitchell Broyles

Stormy Weather Matthew 8:24-27 (RSV) 24And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. 25And they went and woke him, saying, "Save us, Lord; we are perishing." 26And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?" Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27And the men marveled, saying, "What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?"   Isn’t life great … especially when everything seems to be going our way? That is the way life had been for the disciples. As they set sail with Jesus, the gentle breeze bathed their spirits in peace and serenity. But then things changed. The wind picked up. The waters grew choppy. The sails came down and the oars came out. The choppy sea turned into a raging storm. The winds and waves lifted the boat high into the air and then slammed it down beneath the waves. The disciples lost contro...

SAMPLES from Chapters

  Chapter 1 synopsis  -  Royal? Yes. Why can we be called “Princess,” daughter of a King?    “Who is he, this King of Glory?   The LORD Almighty – he is the King of glory”  (Psalm 24:10 from NIV 1984). As a child of God, the King, and in Jesus Christ we are crowned with everlasting joy, glory, love and compassion, blessings, knowledge, righteousness, salvation, and life.  “And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.”  (I Peter 5:4 NIV 1984) SAMPLE FROM CHAPTER 1:       The only crown that Jesus Christ wore during His life on earth was one placed on His head to mock Him … a crown of thorns. He was born, lived, and died in humble conditions, without any possessions that would have drawn attention to His stature and authority as both God’s Son and God Incarnate. But, as a Princess, a child of the King of Glory, God does not leave us without a crown,...

Welcome to Tiara Talk

My hope is that as you journey through Tiara Talk you will find yourself living in a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, and that a fuller understanding of who you are in Him will be revealed to you. This Bible Study  grew out of my own personal experiences and revelations of every woman’s value in the eyes of God.   It began with my response to a friend who was struggling with feelings of abandonment and unworthiness after her marriage ended in a surprising and painful divorce. She tearfully told me of harsh words spoken to her, of trust betrayed, of uncertainty not only for the future but for her very worth and value. I responded, “you are precious, a child of God, a princess – you ought to be walking around with a crown on your head.”   Soon afterwards I found myself unexpectedly facing bi-lateral mastectomy and months of chemo and radiation for breast cancer. The disease had not been found early and it was a frightening time that left me with feelings of uncerta...

Crown of Blessings


Fallen, by Joanna Caldwell

  Photo by Rhonda H. Broyles Fallen  From high One little acorn Soaks up the rain, cracks open its shell, Pushing one small root down, Deep, deep, to nurturing ground. All the while tiny leaves rising, Toward sun-filled skies they heavenward climb. Season by season sun and rain nurtured, Transforms sprout, to sapling, to sheltering tree. Mature trees now lifting canopied leafy arms: Ever praising Creator Bearing witness to Glory, Whether gentle breeze blowing Or strong stormy winds raising. Mighty oaks joined in worship Bring joyful revelation! For with wisest of wisdom The Creator desiring Begins great things from small ones! Through Creation inspiring Me to shift my attention from the great storms surrounding To take heart in the small things, Which by God’s care become great. Small things like an acorn, Small things like me. Joanna Caldwell 2022

A Different Kind of Sunday Morning Coming Down

When I first heard that rough, suffering and knowing voice of Johnny Cash singing “Sunday Morning Coming Down" (1970), something deep within me stopped to listen. The lyrics and music, written by Kris Kristofferson and first released by Ray Stevens in 1969, stopped a lot of people, I think. More than a dozen recordings have been made over the 5 decades since. The way the song touches so many of us may be summed up by what Cash said about the song in an introductory monologue during a taping of The Johnny Cash Show : “… many … are searching for self-fulfillment, or understanding of their life … trying to find a meaning for their life … and many …. including myself … have found themselves no closer to peace of mind than a dingy backroom, on some lonely Sunday morning, with it comin’ down all around you.” Sunday mornings can do that. Sunday mornings can also be mystical and magical and stop us to listen in other ways. Sunday mornings are not one way. My Sunday mornings are ge...

About Rhonda

  Rhonda Hinkle Broyles Christian Author & Speaker Rhonda offers engaging and insightful messages suitable for all ages of life and all stages of faith as she speaks of facing the joys and hurts of life with a Living Faith in Jesus Christ. She invites you to delve with her into ways scripture still speaks to pains and struggles, and how God's promises are still revealed and kept not only in the best of life, but in times of change and loss, life and death, and Resurrection. Rhonda speaks - and listens - from the wisdom of her years and from her personal experience with the Living God to affirm and encourage others in the faith.           256.503.2403