Rhonda's publications

Rhonda's writings, publications, and work reveal her passion for sharing the Hope she finds in Jesus Christ:

Tiara Talk Bible Study for Women of all Ages

A seven-chapter scriptural examination of God's love for us and our value in Jesus Christ. At the end of the study each woman is presented with a tiara as a reminder of all she is crowned with in Christ: joy, glory, love, compassion, blessings, knowledge, righteousness, salvation, and everlasting life. 

Written by Rhonda Broyles


Beyond Just Tryin' to Live, 40 Devotionals from the Sermons of Rev. Dr. Henry Dobbs Pope 

with Reflections and Questions by Rhonda Broyles, Editor


Freedom. Peace. Life. Lenten Hope from the Sermons of Rev. Dr. Henry Dobbs Pope 

Rhonda Broyles, Editor


A Christmas Present, Advent Devotionals from the Sermons of Rev. Dr. Henry Dobbs Pope 

Rhonda Broyles, Editor


Publications are available at www.lulu.com


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