Reading #35 - from "Beyond Just Tryin' to Live" © Rhonda Hinkle Mitchell Broyles

Stormy Weather

Matthew 8:24-27 (RSV) 24And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. 25And they went and woke him, saying, "Save us, Lord; we are perishing." 26And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?" Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27And the men marveled, saying, "What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?" 

Isn’t life great … especially when everything seems to be going our way? That is the way life had been for the disciples. As they set sail with Jesus, the gentle breeze bathed their spirits in peace and serenity. But then things changed. The wind picked up. The waters grew choppy. The sails came down and the oars came out. The choppy sea turned into a raging storm. The winds and waves lifted the boat high into the air and then slammed it down beneath the waves. The disciples lost control. The fierce force of the storm was driving them under the waters. 

Most of us know how they felt even if we have never set foot in a boat. Stormy is a word we still use to describe difficulties of life, or of feeling swamped by daily responsibilities. What do we do when caught in one of life’s storms? The first reaction of the disciples was to deal with the problem as best they knew how. Most of them were seasoned seamen. They had the knowledge, the skill, and the experience to deal with most of the difficulties the sea might throw at them. But not this one. This storm was proving to be too much for them. So, they turn to Jesus in desperation, looking for help. And what do they see? Jesus is asleep, oblivious to the storm and to the danger they were in. 

How many of us deal with the storms in much the same way? We do the best we can, not giving God much thought, but believing we have the knowledge, the skill, the determination to put an end to the storm or at least to survive. But sometimes the storm grows too great for us. We are in over our heads and we know it. In desperation we turn to God for help, and what do we find? Nothing? Or perhaps that God doesn’t seem to care about our plight as much as we do? Jesus rebukes the disciples for their fear that has made their faith so small, but does not reject their plea. God respects even that small faith still left buried beneath the surface. 

Jesus arose and rebuked the winds and the sea. The winds ceased. The sea was calm. The air was still, and the disciples were silent. This is the way God usually deals with us. First, God calms the storm within us, and then deals with the circumstances surrounding us. But we can be assured that the calm within will always have an effect on the storm without. 

From a sermon preached by Henry Dobbs Pope August 5, 1990    

Moving Beyond: 

What do you do when caught in one of life’s storms? 

What experience have you had of finding that God doesn’t seem to care about your desperate need for help? 

When have you felt a raging storm within calmed? 

Have you been surprised by calm within a storm, or praise and blessing during difficult times? 

What are effective alternatives to praising and trusting during difficult times?


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