Welcome to Tiara Talk

My hope is that as you journey through Tiara Talk you will find yourself living in a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, and that a fuller understanding of who you are in Him will be revealed to you.

This Bible Study grew out of my own personal experiences and revelations of every woman’s value in the eyes of God. It began with my response to a friend who was struggling with feelings of abandonment and unworthiness after her marriage ended in a surprising and painful divorce. She tearfully told me of harsh words spoken to her, of trust betrayed, of uncertainty not only for the future but for her very worth and value. I responded, “you are precious, a child of God, a princess – you ought to be walking around with a crown on your head.” 

Soon afterwards I found myself unexpectedly facing bi-lateral mastectomy and months of chemo and radiation for breast cancer. The disease had not been found early and it was a frightening time that left me with feelings of uncertainty of life - and of my own value and worth. The day before my surgery my friend arrived on my doorstep with a gift bag for me. Inside the bag was a tiara.

I was humbled and moved spiritually by the tiara which she had shared with me in Christian sisterhood. A curiosity stirred in me to search out what scripture might contain of our value in Christ, and of being crowned in Him. As I sought out the Bible references, I found that in Jesus Christ we are crowned with everlasting joy, glory, love and compassion, blessings, knowledge, righteousness, salvation, and life. The tiara became a beautiful visual reminder of who we are as children of God, who Jesus Christ is, and what God wants us to claim in Him. Our value in Jesus Christ became evident to me, as did a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ and His value as our High Priest.

I wore that tiara the next morning in the car on the way to the hospital. I wore it in my hospital room as I recovered from bi-lateral mastectomy, eliciting smiles from visitors who weren’t quite sure what to say but who were put at ease by my visual confidence in Christ as I explained the tiara’s meaning to me. And now I keep it on a shelf in my bedroom where I see it and am reminded of who I am. 

My passion now is to share this gift of life in Christ with other women as we "talk" about what it means to be a Child of God. The result is Tiara Talk.

This seven session Bible study for women of all ages examines the concepts of royalty, beauty, value, treasure, and precious. The a final chapter, Soul Reflection, sets all these concepts into the ideal that our soul, not any outward appearance or physical ability, is of greatest value to us and to God. 

The seventh week concludes the study with a worship service during which participants are crowned with a tiara, a visible reminder of all that is claimed in Jesus Christ. 

                                           With prayers that all God’s children know their value and have life in Christ,

Rhonda Hinkle Broyles


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