
Showing posts from August, 2022

A Different Kind of Sunday Morning Coming Down

When I first heard that rough, suffering and knowing voice of Johnny Cash singing “Sunday Morning Coming Down" (1970), something deep within me stopped to listen. The lyrics and music, written by Kris Kristofferson and first released by Ray Stevens in 1969, stopped a lot of people, I think. More than a dozen recordings have been made over the 5 decades since. The way the song touches so many of us may be summed up by what Cash said about the song in an introductory monologue during a taping of The Johnny Cash Show : “… many … are searching for self-fulfillment, or understanding of their life … trying to find a meaning for their life … and many …. including myself … have found themselves no closer to peace of mind than a dingy backroom, on some lonely Sunday morning, with it comin’ down all around you.” Sunday mornings can do that. Sunday mornings can also be mystical and magical and stop us to listen in other ways. Sunday mornings are not one way. My Sunday mornings are ge...

About Rhonda

  Rhonda Hinkle Broyles Christian Author & Speaker Rhonda offers engaging and insightful messages suitable for all ages of life and all stages of faith as she speaks of facing the joys and hurts of life with a Living Faith in Jesus Christ. She invites you to delve with her into ways scripture still speaks to pains and struggles, and how God's promises are still revealed and kept not only in the best of life, but in times of change and loss, life and death, and Resurrection. Rhonda speaks - and listens - from the wisdom of her years and from her personal experience with the Living God to affirm and encourage others in the faith.           256.503.2403